Onsdag 8. juli 2009 ble "Kristoffer Arena" i Meymaneh erklært for åpnet melder Kristoffers Minnefond. Tidligere landslagsspiller Erik Thorstvedt erlærte "Kristoffers Arena" for åpnet. Her følger talen som ble holdt i anledningen.
Dear Colleagues and fellow soldiers.
Today we can finally open “KRISTOFFER arena” here in Meymaneh after nice work by our predecessors and contractors. It is quite impressive work carried out since the work started only few weeks ago. Together with me today I have one of the most famous and legendary football players from Norway Erik Thorstvedt, so please give him an applause.
The name “KRISTOFFER Arena” is to honour the memory of KRISTOFFER Sørlie Jørgensen. He was the Norwegian soldier killed by an IED the 8th November 2007. He made a remarkable contribution for the people of Faryab and arranged a big football tournament for talented local football players.
The tragic death of KRISTOFFER gives us a reminder that the fight for freedom and peace has a high price. Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world, and KRISTOFFER wanted to make a difference. In his memory his family has established the KRISTOFFER Memorial Foundation and all the incomes will be given to children in Afghanistan. The last project is established in cooperation with Norwegian Church Aid and The Football Association of Norway addressed to children in Faryab province. This project is called “Football for freedom and stability in Faryab” and the main task is to facilitate athletic schools in BELCHERAQ, QARAMQUL and Pashtun KOHT.
The Norwegian chief of Defence and PRT Meymaneh has also initialized a project where children of Meymaneh will participate in the football tournament “Norway Cup” in Norway during this month. Please welcome to the players and coaches of Faryab United!
The combination of opening the KRISTOFFER Arena, “Football for freedom and stability in Faryab” and the participation of Faryab United in Norway Cup fits very well together.
I know that most of you are pleased we finally have our own football arena in the camp, but remember one thing: Use it with carefulness. I don’t want anyone to get wounded or excluded from regular work in camp or in the field. Nevertheless I encourage you to use it both for training and social activities.
We will now officially uncover the nameplate of the arena. As soon as we are finished there will be national final between the PRT and Faryab United.
Erik Thorstvedt: Welcome to “Kristoffers arena” as I declare the arena as opened!!!